
Acupuncture is a form of therapy that promotes natural healing of the body. Acupuncture forms a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine which originated in China over 3000 years ago. The science and art of acupuncture involves the insertion of ultrafine needles into the body to stimulate acupuncture points, special points that can influence the functioning of the body.
It is a safe and effective natural therapy and an increasingly popular form of healthcare that provides:
Drug-free pain relief
Assists the body’s natural healing process
Treats the cause as well as the symptoms
A holistic approach to illness
Treatment for many common ailments
Acupuncture is used to treat a broad range of conditions, such as those are mentioned here:
Acute conditions
Chronic pain
Women's health
Lung disease
Our physiotherapists are both registered physiotherapy acupuncturists and belong to the Physiotherapy Acupuncture Association. During your appointment patients are fully advised of the procedure with acupuncture treatment and told what to expect from treatment. Conditions treated with acupuncture include: headaches, hayfever, strains and pains, etc. Acupuncture may also be used during physiotherapy treatment.
Self referral:
You are able to be seen as a Private or ACC patient. Appointments are made on the same day or within 1-2 days. A Private or ACC fee is charged for visits.
You may be seen as a public out-patient with a referral from a doctor or other health professional. Appointments for this service have a two week or more wait, unless the doctor or other health professional indicates you need to be seen urgently. There is no charge when seen with a public out-patient referral.
Phone 03 319 3538 or email: kkphysio@xtra.co.nz to book an appointment.