Massage Therapy

Massage therapy uses a variety of techniques to manipulate the muscular structure and soft tissues of your body which can aid your recovery from injury and help you relax and de-stress from day to day activities. Massage not only improves circulation and repairs muscles, but also helps improve flexibility and the range of movement of joints. It is an important tool in most physiotherapy treatment.
Aside from physiotherapy treatment, we offer clients personalised massage therapy sessions which are designed to meet your specific requirements, i.e. sports massage to improve rehabilitation or sports performance and deep tissue or relaxing massage to provide stress relief or enhance relaxation.
Massage therapy can help in many ways; some of the benefits are listed below:
Injury prevention and increased flexibility
Used by athletes’ for sports preparation and recovery
Improved muscle repair and regeneration; improves your posture
Relieves aches and pains as well as muscular tension; reduces stiffness
Helps with relaxation and aids in stress relief; reduces headaches
Revitalizes your body and creates an overall sense of well being
Massage therapy sessions available

30 minute – $55.00
40 minute – $70.00
60 minute – $80.00
Phone 03 319 3538 or email: kkphysio@xtra.co.nz to book an appointment.
Gift vouchers for our massage therapy sessions are also available.
Massage rubs and creams used by our therapists are available for sale
PT Rub - Natural anti-inflammatory massage cream with arnica, hypericum (St Johns Wort), calendula, peppermint oil and menthol. Sold in 450g and 90g pots.
Tui balms use ingredients contain no synthetic fragrances, artificial preservatives, emulsifiers, colouring agents, stabilisers, parabens or other chemical additives. We are able to supply any products from their range.