Pilates/Gym Programmes

Joseph Pilates developed a system of exercises called Pilates in the early 1900’s to give abdominal strength, flexibility and stability. Initially developed for rehabilitation of war injuries, it was later modified for ballet dancers. Today the system has been modified to included exercise and rehabilitation programmes for everyone.
Pilates Studio Individual Programmes
Kaikoura Physiotherapy’s Pilates studio/gym has specialised spring loaded equipment that provides resistance rather impact. Programmes using this equipment will help to develop muscular power and endurance, giving a challenging workout for people of all ages. Any fitness level can use this equipment. It is used to assist those rehabilitating from injuries or physical conditions and for people training for events.
When you sign up for a Pilates studio programme, a qualified physiotherapist will set a programme specific to your needs and abilities.
There are various programme prices to choose from and each client receives a thorough ‘initial assessment’ to establish a programme to meet your requirements and ‘follow-up sessions’ to learn and practice the exercises. You will be given guidance on how to use the equipment effectively and safely.
10 week programme $350
20 week programme $490
Regardless of your physical fitness, Pilates will help you develop a stronger back, flatten your abdominal muscles and improve your strength, flexibility, co-ordination and breathing.
To find out more please contact us: Phone 03 319 3538 or email: kkphysio@xtra.co.nz